


brand, psychological associations and competitors, positive image, popularity, objectives, perceptions, consumers, the market of hotel services, stages of development, audit, promotion


The article discusses the basic concepts and terms of the brand, as well as the strategy of positioning the brand of hotel enterprises in order to form a competitive advantage of enterprises of hotel services. The article describes the essence of branding and branding in the hotel business by different scientific approaches. It is suggested to refer to a brand as a name or symbol identifying a product that has a clear competitive advantage or an intangible complement to a product co-created by manufacturers and consumers. The aspects of branding of a hotel business entity are grounded and its importance in promoting hotel services is investigated. Effective ways to promote the brand to the market have been identified.

The basic task of hotel business branding is substantiated, which is to form and further develop in the consumer positive associations related to its brand. The main varieties of branding strategies are analyzed and the model of forming a strong brand under the influence of various factors is formed. Features of branded branding development strategies in the hotel business are revealed. The effectiveness of ways to promote the brand of a hotel business is analyzed. The definition of the concept “brand strength” as its integrated characteristic, which indicates the level of its popularity with the buyer. The authors propose a scheme of forming a strong brand in the hotel business, taking into account the impact of the environment.


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